Coach Nile.PH launched Breaking Through Limits to empower you

- Iloilo Bloggers Society member and leadership coach Nile Kris Jan Banga has launched “Breaking Through Limits” over his platform Coach Nile.PH aiming to empower individuals on how to thrive in this uncertain environment under a pandemic.
- The effort is Coach Nile.Ph’s contribution to #PadayonKita which is to encourage and inspire Ilonggos to move forward.
- Breaking Through Limits carries Coach Nile.Ph’s commitment to uplift netizens and empower them through social media platforms.
A new group coaching series by Coach Nile.PH – “Breaking Through Limits” was launched for the month of August aiming to empower us – Ilonggos and netizens – so that we will be able to thrive in spite of the constricted and uncertain environment nowadays.
As Iloilo City and the entire country remains on the warpath against the pandemic, Coach Nile.Ph launched the initiative to deliver its commitment to empower everyone, encourage them to hope, and uplift their spirits for the future using social media platforms.
Breaking Through Limits
“The online coaching session will help you identify the barriers that prevents you from realizing the best version of yourself – of ourselves,” said Nile Kris Jan Banga, the person behind Coach Nile.PH.
In Breaking Through Limits, participants will be able to discover strategies on how they can overcome the obstacles that prevent them from attaining the better versions of themselves.
“We have our personal pegs and dreams to become that “someone” that we long for someday. However, many of us are unaware that some invisible walls are there which hinders us,” explained by leadership coach Banga or Nile among friends and colleagues.
Breaking Through Limits is a 4-part online coaching. It is a weekly series for FREE.
The coaching series includes identifying four of the most common walls which serves as the hindering factors for self-development. This is a topic of discussion every Thursday this month.
The opening session last August 6 discussed Limitation on Possibilities as the first wall. The session provided answers on the basic roadblocks in achieving our dreams, our visions, our goals, and our plans in life. It also delved into the science of talking back as a necessity to break through the first wall.
Catch up the next session on August 13. Register through this link: . There are three remaining sessions to enjoy and learn. Join now!
Coaching session facilitated transformation
“While in session and through the question and answer, God unveiled something to me. I realized that I am not in the place where I’m supposed to be, because deep in my heart I believed that I was not enough,” said Marinel, one of the participants of who attended session one of Breaking Through Limits.
“Amazing! declared Christin, another participant of the first session regarding Breaking Through Limits.
“It enlightened me to push for more. To dream more. To break through my walls of discouragement, fears, and some problems which kept me stagnated,” realized Christin and “I felt motivated to push through my dreams in life.”
“Our mind is an asset that we can develop without costing us so much, especially with the pandemic now – the very reason why this is made for FREE,” Nile pointed out in relation to testimonies shared by the participants.
Nile further emphasized that the “activity aims to push us forward despite the crisis we are facing nowadays. I am still hopeful that we will continue to thrive in spite of the pandemic and we will get to the other side of this together. This is the essence of #PadayonKita.”
About Coach Nile.PH
Outside coaching, netizens can also read the helpful and informative content created by Nile Kris Jan Banga on Nile on Weekends, Firebrand Digital, and Nomadic Stories.
Nile is trained on “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth” under the 2016 John Maxwell Training by Singapore-based trainor Dr. Tony Mendoza.
In 2019, Nile acquired the Personal Leadership Development from John Maxwell Training, this time under Janette Toral, who represent as one of only two highly respected Independent Executive Directors in the Philippines with The John Maxwell Team.
The coaching session Breaking Through Limits is made possible through the support of Iloilo Bloggers Society, IBS Digital Network, and Thinkspace located in Jalandoni St. Jaro Iloilo City, across Jollibee Drive-thru, above Ultracare.